Getting into the habit of saving on fuel now will mean you’ll be ready when prices start hitting the $4.00-gallon mark once again. You don’t have to buy a new, fuel-efficient car, either. No one wants to trade a fuel bill for a car payment, so take a look at our top 5 ways to save on fuel and you may just be able to pocket a little extra money at the end of the month.
One of the more annoying issues a car, truck, or SUV will develop is a grinding or scraping sound when you hit the brakes. What is it, and how do you make it stop? At Bennett's Auto Repair in Seffner, FL we have the answer.
Your Vehicle Identification Number, or VIN, is essentially your car’s fingerprint. In its entirety, it is specific only to your car. Each car has its own unique VIN number and can be decoded to provide manufacturing and identification information on any vehicle on the road. Date of manufacture, manufacturer, vehicle type, where it was made, and options such as engine and transmission type, whether a car is a two or four-door, and a multitude of other specifications can be gleaned from a VIN number. Essentially, a VIN number will tell you exactly what a car is and where it came from, without even having to see the car.
This is a clutch gone completely wrong and something you want to be sure doesn't happen with your vehicle! So how do you ensure you are not having an issue with your clutch when most drivers simply get in and drive? What do you look for? That is a question many of our customers ask us here at Bennett's Auto Repair in Seffner and one this driver did not.
Good gas mileage is something we all want. In fact, many drivers purchase certain cars solely for gas mileage, and almost all of us at least take it into consideration when purchasing a vehicle. While it is true that gas mileage is by and large determined simply by the type of car, there are actually a variety of things you can do to increase the gas mileage of any automobile. The tips Bennett's Auto Repair in Seffner want to provide you here are simple and effective steps you can take to increase your gas mileage, often more considerably than you think.
Tires are often neglected, but easy to maintain. As long as they work, most people don’t really think about them. However, if you take care to properly maintain your vehicle and your tires, they will last much, much longer. At Bennett's Auto Repair in Seffner, we see all too often the results of poor tire maintenance, and the result is expensive new tires. Here’s what you can do to make sure you don’t become part of that statistic.
At Bennett's Auto Repair in Seffner, we know that transmissions are one of the greatest technological marvels of the automotive world. How does a standard shift transmission work? Why should you care? Our expert technicians here at Bennett's Auto Repair in Seffner have the answers.
At Bennett's Auto Repair in Seffner, we know that the difference between a vehicle that runs for 80,000 miles and a vehicle that makes it to 400,000 miles depends on one thing; maintenance. Here are a few tips to avoid some of the most notorious vehicle killers out there.
1826 S Parsons Ave
Seffner, FL 33584
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